How is a certificate created
Basically, we encrypt the information of the certificate of authenticity, we get a hash as a result of that encryption, and it is that hash that we store on the blockchain. Source data cannot be reconstructed from hash stored on Blockchain.
Certification process steps
First, we take the information to be certified (source data) and through a procedure called SHA 256, we encrypt that information and obtain a hash (one-way alphanumeric code) as a result.

Every time we want to validate that a certificate or certain information has not been altered, we carry out the following steps:
- We recalculate the hash of the source information, using the SHA-256 function.
- If the obtained hash matches the hash stored on the blockchain, then the information has not been altered, and the certificate is valid.
- If the obtained hash does not match the hash stored on the blockchain, then the source information has been altered and the certificate is invalid.
The source information is never published on the Blockchain and is only stored on the organization's servers. Only the cryptographic function of that information is stored on the blockchain.
Immutable certificates
Blockchain is an immutable and distributed database, where each block of information is related to the previous one. When a certificate is issued, your data is compressed into a hash and registered on the blockchain. This generates a "receipt" that can always be verified at a later date. Our verification service validates the issuer's signature and the certificate data; It also ensures that the status of the certificate has not expired or has been revoked.
The friendly version of the certificate displayed online can change visually, depending on the device that displays it. For example, it may appear one way in a mobile app and slightly differently in a web browser. Although this screen can be optimized for different circumstances, the data within the certificate can never be changed.
Can issued certificates be changed?
The certificates are immutable and once the information is registered, it cannot be altered. However, through El Grey ID you can revoke the certificates or define their validity time. The issuer can revoke certificates that have errors or simply omit a recipient.